Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable

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It is difficult to believe that Solitario Jorge did not lament his solitude until he was lost, although that may be a Shakespearean artifact of my inclination to anthropomorphism.

Do animals grieve the absence of their children, their mates, their companions?  I know our convivial beagles miss Jim, who would take them out running, where others only walk (or, like yours truly, are pulled forward and off her own feet by) them.  Because we’d never see them again if they were off-leash, perhaps running at that speed with Jim gave them the illusion of being untethered–of something like flight.   

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One can live alone, of course.  In America people seem to be doing so in unprecedented numbers.  But living alone does not mean living without companionship–the company of colleagues, friends, children, siblings,  parents, animals; of transporting works of literature, music and art.

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(And any Tennessee Williams fan knows one may even occasionally  find oneself in the company of and relying on the kindness of strangers. . . .even armed ones.)

Thinking of life’s companions inescapably brings me back to John Hiatt:

Red tail hawk shooting down the canyon
Put me on that wind he rides
I will be your true companion
When we reach the other side . . . .




Author: Stephanie

In her spare time, Stephanie works full-time, and then some, as an attorney. She has published articles and delivered talks in arcane fields like forensic evidentiary issues, jury instructions, and expert scientific witness preparation. She attended law school near the the banks of the Charles River and loves that dirty water; she will always think of Boston as her home. You are welcome to take a look at her Facebook author page, or follow @SMartinGlennon on Twitter and @schnitzelpond on Instagram. Bonus points for anyone who understands the Instagram handle. All content on this blog, unless otherwise attributed, is (c) 2012-2023 by Stephanie M. Glennon and should not be reproduced (in any form other than re-blogging in accordance with the wee Wordpress buttons at the bottom of each post) without the express permission of the domain holder.

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