An Olive Sunset

An olive sunset/The first ever I’ve witnessed/feathered autumn hues

Finally, a haiku writing challenge!  Faithful readers are aware of my unfortunate/propensity for haiku/on odd occasions.

Haiku, it is been reported (by at least one chipper laboratory rat), is among poetic forms so powerful as to possess healing powers.

Here, in haiku form, are five sights for which I am thankful this week:


His brethren flew off

One plump stalwart remained, perched



Awaiting late flight

Driving rain, Boston traffic

Still magical light


Coral twilight’s masts

Vertical, horizontal

Lines of land and sea

sunset 083

Vivid horizon

 Afternoon sky mottled by

Clouds like shed snake skin 


Curled against the cold

Beagle brothers share nap time

Lit by dazzling sun


Author: Stephanie

In her spare time, Stephanie works full-time, and then some, as an attorney. She has published articles and delivered talks in arcane fields like forensic evidentiary issues, jury instructions, and expert scientific witness preparation. She attended law school near the the banks of the Charles River and loves that dirty water; she will always think of Boston as her home. You are welcome to take a look at her Facebook author page, or follow @SMartinGlennon on Twitter and @schnitzelpond on Instagram. Bonus points for anyone who understands the Instagram handle. All content on this blog, unless otherwise attributed, is (c) 2012-2023 by Stephanie M. Glennon and should not be reproduced (in any form other than re-blogging in accordance with the wee Wordpress buttons at the bottom of each post) without the express permission of the domain holder.

13 thoughts on “An Olive Sunset”

  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Steph. I am thinking of you this week and on your special day. Give the children a hug from me.

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