Early Bird


Early Bird.

I have the kind of commute that makes people regularly ask what’s wrong with me.

The same question could be posed about my sleep patterns. Even when daylight savings staves off dawn, I’m wide awake and wandering.

But I have my reasons.  


Author: Stephanie

In her spare time, Stephanie works full-time, and then some, as an attorney. She has published articles and delivered talks in arcane fields like forensic evidentiary issues, jury instructions, and expert scientific witness preparation. She attended law school near the the banks of the Charles River and loves that dirty water; she will always think of Boston as her home. You are welcome to take a look at her Facebook author page, or follow @SMartinGlennon on Twitter and @schnitzelpond on Instagram. Bonus points for anyone who understands the Instagram handle. All content on this blog, unless otherwise attributed, is (c) 2012-2023 by Stephanie M. Glennon and should not be reproduced (in any form other than re-blogging in accordance with the wee Wordpress buttons at the bottom of each post) without the express permission of the domain holder.

12 thoughts on “Early Bird”

    1. This little slice of coast is so meandering that I can locate sunup and sundown….now if only I could learn to predict the weather a little better. Although the upside of a spectacular sunrise/sunset beats the downside of a dud.

  1. Stephanie, I love the early morning hours, too. Unfortunately, my work days start early (three times a week) but are long and late so I can’t make it up as early. (I do have days off in between so I can sleep!) But on my days off and after I’m rested, I get up as early as I can. The gorgeous spring days and sunrises are refreshing and too good to stay in bed for! You do leave me curious about your commute. Is that a real commute to your workplace or a play on words? My commute is 50-60 minutes from door-to-door. It’s interesting how I have found ways to avoid traffic and occupy my mind. It provides its own early morning surprises!

    1. How I wish it were not a real commute, but on a good day (traffic-wise) it takes me an hour-and-a-half to get to my office. Unfortunately, people drive so egregiously along the way that my morning surprises tend to be road accidents. I do absorb a lot of music and news along the way, though–and often think of things to write about.

    1. Any body of water will do! It can be hit or miss, because of course you have to head out in the dark and without knowing what kind of sunrise it will be, but when the water lights up it is a thing of beauty.

  2. I bet there were more 2 hours+ than 1 1/2 hours drives this past winter. Good thing you have music and news and time to think about your excellent writing and photographs.

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